Looking for cheap flights to Beijing from New York?

Flight prices for a month from New York to Beijing, one way

Departure atStopsFind tickets
30 December 20243 StopsOW tickets from 813
29 December 2024DirectOW tickets from 838
28 December 20241 StopOW tickets from 864
27 December 20243 StopsOW tickets from 1 004
25 December 20242 StopsOW tickets from 1 084
22 December 2024DirectOW tickets from 1 190
23 December 2024DirectOW tickets from 1 190
21 December 20241 StopOW tickets from 1 297
15 January 20251 StopOW tickets from 445
17 January 20253 StopsOW tickets from 452
18 January 2025DirectOW tickets from 495
19 January 2025DirectOW tickets from 495
20 January 2025DirectOW tickets from 495
14 January 20253 StopsOW tickets from 497
25 January 20252 StopsOW tickets from 503
11 January 2025DirectOW tickets from 513
12 January 2025DirectOW tickets from 513
13 January 2025DirectOW tickets from 513
24 January 2025DirectOW tickets from 520
26 January 20252 StopsOW tickets from 528
10 January 20253 StopsOW tickets from 530
22 January 20253 StopsOW tickets from 538
6 January 2025DirectOW tickets from 611
8 January 2025DirectOW tickets from 611
16 January 20253 StopsOW tickets from 640
5 January 20253 StopsOW tickets from 692

Flights from New York to Beijing for the next few days

Departure atStopsFind tickets
30 December 20243 StopsTickets from 813
29 December 2024DirectTickets from 838
28 December 20241 StopTickets from 864
27 December 20243 StopsTickets from 1 004
25 December 20242 StopsTickets from 1 084
22 December 2024DirectTickets from 1 190
23 December 2024DirectTickets from 1 190
21 December 20241 StopTickets from 1 297

The cheapest round-trip tickets from New York to Beijing

Departure atReturn atStopsAirlineFind tickets
13 January 202516 January 2025DirectBrussels AirlinesTickets from 1 411

The cheapest flights for this month from New York to Beijing

Departure atReturn atStopsAirlineFind tickets
13 January 202516 January 20251 StopBrussels AirlinesTickets from 1 411

The cheapest flights from New York to Beijing for the year ahead

Departure atReturn atStopsAirlineFind tickets
13 January 202516 January 20251 StopBrussels AirlinesTickets from 1 411

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