Looking for Cheap flights from Seattle WA to Pittsburgh PA ?
Pittsburgh to seattle Distance :
The Distance between Pittsburgh and seattle About 2,135.04 miles – 2,507.80 miles by car.
Pittsburgh to seattle Flight Time:
Flight Time between pittsburgh and seattle about 6 Hour,50 Minute .
Pittsburgh to seattle Time by Car :
time between pittsburgh and seattle by car about 1 day 12 hours .
Gas consumption and emissions
A car with an average MPG will need 116.10 gallons of gas to cover the route between Seattle, WA and Pittsburgh, PA.
The estimated cost of gas to go from Seattle to Pittsburgh is $270.52.
During the route, an average car will release 2,274.67 pounds of CO2 to the atmosphere. Your carbon footprint is 0.91 pounds of CO2 per mile.
About Pittsburgh
About Seattle
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