Find Cheap flights to San Antonio Texas from Los Angeles

Flight prices for a month from Los Angeles to San Antonio, one way

Departure atStopsFind tickets
26 December 2024DirectOW tickets from 285
4 January 2025DirectOW tickets from 33

Flights from Los Angeles to San Antonio for the next few days

Departure atStopsFind tickets
26 December 2024DirectTickets from 285

Cheap flights to San Antonio Texas from Los Angeles Van Nuys

Flight prices for a month from Los Angeles to San Antonio, one way

Departure atStopsFind tickets
26 December 2024DirectOW tickets from 285
4 January 2025DirectOW tickets from 33

Flights from Los Angeles to San Antonio for the next few days

Departure atStopsFind tickets
26 December 2024DirectTickets from 285

Cheap flights to San Antonio Texas from Los Angeles International

Flight prices for a month from Los Angeles to San Antonio, one way

Departure atStopsFind tickets
26 December 2024DirectOW tickets from 285
4 January 2025DirectOW tickets from 33

Flights from Los Angeles to San Antonio for the next few days

Departure atStopsFind tickets
26 December 2024DirectTickets from 285

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