Looking for Cheap flights to Miami from Charlotte NC

Flight prices for a month from Charlotte to Miami, one way

Departure atStopsFind tickets
16 October 2024DirectOW tickets from 171
16 October 20241 StopOW tickets from 181

Flights from Charlotte to Miami for the next few days

Departure atStopsFind tickets
16 October 2024DirectTickets from 171
16 October 20241 StopTickets from 181

The cheapest round-trip tickets from Charlotte to Miami

Departure atReturn atStopsAirlineFind tickets
28 October 202431 October 2024DirectFrontier AirlinesTickets from 85

The cheapest flights for this month from Charlotte to Miami

Departure atReturn atStopsAirlineFind tickets
28 October 202431 October 2024DirectFrontier AirlinesTickets from 85
1 November 20244 November 2024DirectFrontier AirlinesTickets from 107
22 November 202424 November 2024DirectSpirit AirlinesTickets from 150

The cheapest flights from Charlotte to Miami for the year ahead

Departure atReturn atStopsAirlineFind tickets
28 October 202431 October 2024DirectFrontier AirlinesTickets from 85
1 November 20244 November 2024DirectFrontier AirlinesTickets from 107

Direct flights from Charlotte to Miami

Departure atReturn atAirlineFind tickets
28 October 202431 October 2024Frontier AirlinesTickets from 85
1 November 20244 November 2024Frontier AirlinesTickets from 107

Searches related to Cheap flights to Miami from Charlotte NC

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